(Naruto x Sasuke x Sakura threesome universe)
In a diverging timeline where Naruto brought Sasuke back from the Valley
of the End, Sasuke is eighteen, Sakura and Naruto seventeen. They're still
teammates and a strange kind of friends, though nothing more -- Naruto
still in love with Sakura, Sakura still in love with Sasuke, Sasuke still
trying not to feel too much for either of them; and then due to Kyuubi's
influence, here they are, the three of them in bed.
It would be problematic enough on its own -- three-ways relationships
are weird as it is; who should shack up with who?; who likes who best?;
what is it going to do to their carefully balanced team dynamics? -- but
that's only until they realize that they have bigger problems. Namely
Sakura's not-quite-normal pregnancy, and all it brings with it -- the
boys torn between "I'm not ready to be a father" and "what
if I'm not the father?", her parents' disapproval, Konoha's
council freaking out, Sakura's failing health and their powerlessness
to fix it, Kyuubi's intentions. And then there's the Akatsuki's reemergence.
More council plotting.
And always the questions -- who is the father of the child? Does it matter?
Can they make it not matter? Can they really learn to balance their team
and their relationship?
These stories are listed, more or less, in chronological order, not
in writing order -- except for the "drabbles" which either don't
really count as canon, and/or might be reabsorbed into the main fic eventually.
The sidefics are not necessary to the understanding of the main fics.
(For a story based on the results of a three-way one-night-stand, there's
surprisingly little in the way of actual sexual content in those stories
-- if you're hoping for hot lemon scenes you won't find a lot of it. But
when it happens I don't believe in censoring myself either.)
Teamwork: Original Character Sheets
Story: Naruto, from just after the Valley of the End to just before "The
Night." Deals with his uncomfortably growing closeness with Kyuubi
and his growing awareness of his sexuality, amongst other things.
Genre: Naruto POV, no pairings (some canon Hinata-likes-Naruto, Naruto-likes-Sakura
and Sakura-likes-Sasuke stuff).
Status: series of ficlets, finished. (not necessary to Teamwork's timeline
but still helpful to know how they got there)
Story: Another ficlet, that might fit into Progression; alas, I wrote
it too late to slip it in the middle. Naruto is 15.
Jiraiya, and prostitutes
The Night
Story: Did you ever wonder what happened that night just before Teamwork
proper starts?
Genre: Sasuke POV. Humor, bisexual lemon. (NaruSasuSaku) Pervy. Very pervy.
Status: One-shot, finished (can be read independantly)
The Night
Drabble prequel to The Night, very short
Story: Why the hell is Sakura waking up naked between her two teammates
anyway? And why are all those important people the ones freaking out about
Genre: romance, yaoi and het. (NaruSasuSaku) No lemon. Humor, language
(Inner Sakura has a potty mouth. :p), angst and action in later parts.
Status: Finished.
The Shit Hits
the Fan
The Talk
The Day
that Never Ends
Teamwork 2
Story: Sequel to Teamwork. Training, house, baby, Kyuubi, oh my. What,
you thought life would be easy?
Genre: romance, yaoi and het. (NaruSasuSaku) Humor, language, angst and
action in later parts.
Status: Complete.
Hug Her Damn
Sparring and
Long Day
Up to Snuff
The Plan (a)
The Plan (b)
----> The
Plan (c) - That Goddamn Lemon
Epilogue (Kakashi)
Fallout from the end of Teamwork 2.
: Rise
Sakura POV, Tsunade interaction. Sakura grows. Gen.
: House of Dogs
Naruto POV, Inuzuka Tsume is a pitiless teacher. Humor.
----> Gloves
------ Short SasuSaku moment during Naruto's "House of Dogs"
: Ghosts
Sasuke POV, Sasuke remembers. Angst.
Story: Sakura POV. Sakura drags the boys grocery-shopping.
Genre: Relationship fluff, short.
Status: Finished. Unnecessary to the chronology.
First Time: NaruSaku
Story: Naruto POV. The first time Naruto and Sakura have a sexual encounter
that doesn't include Sasuke.
Genre: Humor, lemon (oral sex, some very mild exhibitionist kink.)
Status: Finished. Unnecessary to the chronology.
time: NaruSaku
Teamwork 2.5: Suna
Planned but unwritten yet.
Story: Team Seven makes a detour through Suna before the Chuunin exam.
Teamwork 3 : The Chuunin Exam
Story: Team Seven goes through the Chuunin Exam. Or tries to. Their biggest
obstacles might not actually be the other candidates.
Genre: action, violence, some Team Seven romance, lime. A handful of OC
teams. Did I mention the violence? Let me mention it again. It gets
a bit graphic here people.
Status: in progress.
Water Country
The Island
Beach Party
Story: The Rookies Nine gang meets Kyuubi. Kyuubi is bored. Thank god
Sasuke is here to distract him.
Genre: KyuuSasu graphic, rather violent lemon, some humor, action.
Status: One-shot, Finished. (subject to rewriting at later date to fit
in the chronology; was written early during TW1 and right now is tentatively
situated at about Sakura's eightth month of pregnancy.)
----> Foxplay
prequel and sequel ficlets
----> Morning
After For Naruto
Story: Two years after TW3, in Earth Country. Sasuke is such a hidden
romantic. Uh huh.
Genre: Cuteness.
Status: Short oneshot, complete.
The Story Of How Sakura And Naruto Finally Got Hitched (sortof.)
Story: Every time she came back Tsunade was waiting with tea heating
up and a chuckle already building in her throat.
Genre: Humor.
Status: Short oneshot, complete.
The Story...
Teamwork drabbles
Random little bits of fic that belong in the Teamwork universe. Some
of them might get reabsorbed into Teamwork proper if the scene fits with
the main plot. All genres -- expect yaoi and het, humor, angst and whatnot,
pre-Teamwork and post-baby and everywhere in-between.
¤ Pre-Teamwork:
Yukihiro, Sucky Ninja
Story: short introspection piece about Sakura's father and his career
as a ninja.
Story: A few years before Teamwork, Naruto is around 14. "One day
he will have to tell them, but not today." Naruto POV, Gen (some
canon Naruto-likes-Sakura stuff), introspection.
Two Roads
Story: just after the Valley of the End, where Teamwork universe went
different from the canon universe, bad guys POV.
¤ Teamwork 1
1, Kiba POV
Story: "When Sasuke ran into Hinata and Kiba on his way to figure
out where they took Sakura the morning after, why did Sasuke get the impression
that Kiba was scared when he smelled Naruto and Sakura on him?" (short,
a little random)
Story: For Miko no Da -- sometime between Teamwork 1 and 2 probably. Kakashi,
¤ Teamwork 2
Story: For Bookpeople -- "How about something to do with Sakura and
her cravings? In the middle of the night, preferably, just because I'm
feeling evil."
Story: So who cooks what when? For Haliea, short.
¤ Teamwork 3
Story: ridiculous and very short. .____.; Naruto and Sakura during the
Water Country Chuunin exam.
Story: Itachi VS Sasuke in TW3 from Sakura's POV.
¤ Baby stories
Baby Drabble
Story: For purple_angel01 -- Sasuke isn't sleeping. After the birth of
the baby.
Baby Drabble
Story: For Rianax -- spring cleaning and Naruto/baby cuteness.
Drabble 3
Story: For Sailor Seraphim -- Iruka and the baby.
Story: Sasuke and his place in the child's life. Sasuke POV, introspection,
angstysap. Saaaap.
¤ Ino/Shika/Tema triangle stories
Story: For Res judicata -- Post-baby, discussion between Temari and Naruto
about non-village-approved relationships. (ShikaTema?)
-------------------> Sexy
no Jutsu
Story: For Scorpion05 and kunoichi008 -- Garden Party prequel-ish. (NaruSaku
interaction, general perviness)
in the Sand
Story: Temari/Ino interaction, shortly after Garden
Party. Yuri.
Story: For TephraLynn. Gaara Finds Out about his sister's relationship(s).
Ficlet, silliness.
¤ in the future
Story: Yakitaro is eighteen when his little sister Men'you is born. Short,
angstyfluff, OC-centric.
Your BabyDaddy?
Story: 10 to 14 years in the future, Kakashi and Uchiha Aoru, third child
of the Team Seven trio.
Story: For Ravelqueen. Tsunade, Naruto and Sakura versus Some Dude Who
Is Not Convinced Naruto Would Be A Good Hokage. Might get rewritten later.
The Speech
Story: Some twenty years later, Naruto is made Hokage. Yay. But he has
to write an opening speech. Not yay. Naruto and Tsunade gen, shortish,
silly dialogue piece.
Rule n°5 NEW
Story: "There is to be No Brooding outside of the Brooding Room."
Drabble, angst.
¤ No real place in the timeline and/or crack that doesn't
actually happen :
Story: Kyuubi and Naruto think about names. Introspection.
in the Life of
Story: Naruto doesn't know what he did to provoke Sasuke this time, but
whatever it is, he kind of likes the results. Cuteness, humor, pretty
pointless. XD
Story: A drabble from the kissing meme, where I asked people to give me
a pairing and mood and I wrote them a kiss. Blackheisei asked for "KyuubiSakura,
Possessive." This has no real place in the Teamwork continuity.
Story: Kissing meme; for the theme "playful"; Naruto and Team
Kunoichi silliness, no real place in the Teamwork continuity, vaguely
porny. (Naru/OCs het/yaoi making out)
Story: Kissing meme; Sasuke/Jin for coffeecrisis. Not part of the Teamwork
canon chronology, borderline OOC, yay for yaoi fanservice! (SasuOC yaoi)
¤ Alternate Universes
(The One Where Naruto Was Born A Girl And Sakura A Boy)
reactions (Naruto & Tsunade)
(Team Seven interaction -- Naruto POV, Haru, Sasuke)
-Haru introspection
-Porny Fallout
(Team Seven sex, Haru POV -- dubious consent, BDSMy themes)
-Baby's first
ultrasound (Haru POV)
(The One Where Sasuke Was Born A Girl)
up (Satsuki POV)
-Sexy no
Jutsu (team seven + kakashi silliness)
Wedding Divergence
(The One Where Naruto Breaks Up With Sasuke&Sakura And Neji&Hinata
Catch Him On The Rebound)
Divergence (not actually written yet but i'm putting it here to
remind myself that I really want to.)